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CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the Phare Small Projects Programme issued by the European Community represented by the Commission of the European Communities
Reference: EuropeAid/117773/C/G
Status: Open (until 17.03.2004)
Documents:   Budget     Application form      tender 06.01.2004    Guidelines

Employment &
Social Affairs


The Social Inclusion Process
The Open Method of Coordination
Following the introduction under Article 136 and 137 EC by the Amsterdam Treaty of the fight against social exclusion among the social policy provisions, the European Council of Lisbon in March 2000 recognised that the extent of poverty and social exclusion was unacceptable. Building a more inclusive European Union was thus considered as an essential element in achieving the Union's ten year strategic goal of sustained economic growth, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. The Lisbon Council agreed to adopt an Open Method of Coordination in order to
make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty and social exclusion by 2010.

The key elements in the Open Method of Coordination are:

  • Social Protection Committee

  • Common Objectives on poverty and social exclusion which were agreed at the Nice Summit in December 2000 and were revised at the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council in December 2002.

  • National Action Plans against poverty and social exclusion; covers a period of two years - the first plans were adopted by the Member States in June 2001. A second round of plans is due in July 2003.

  • Joint Memoranda on Social Inclusion; these outline the situation and policy priorities in relation to poverty and social exclusion in the acceding countries. They were signed by the Commission and national authorities in December 2003.

  • Joint Reports on Social Inclusion (Sept.- Dec. 2003) and regular monitoring, evaluation and peer review

  • Common Indicators to provide a means of monitoring progress and comparing best practice

  • Community Action Programme to encourage cooperation between Member States to combat social exclusion

  • Studies Regional indicators to reflect social exclusion and poverty; Policy measures to ensure access to decent housing for migrants and ethnic minorities; How household structures and the roles of women and men affect poverty and social exclusion; Policy measures to promote the use of Microcredit.

Non-governmental Expert Reports on National Action Plans (June 01-June 03)

  • Eurobarometer survey on Social Precarity and Social Integration
    The European Union's efforts to promote social inclusion are reinforced by the results of the Eurobarometer survey 56.1 on Social Precarity and Social Integration. This survey was
    carried out in all 15 Member States of the EU for the DG Employment and Social Affairs of the European Commission.
    Available in PDF format (800 kb) in:


The social protection systems, including health care, in the 13 Candidate Countries (25/3/2003) The findings from a series of studies on the social protection systems of 13 Candidate Countries

The Final Summary:
1.   Introduction
2.   Chapter 1 : Pensions
Chapter 2 : Health
4.  Chapter 3 : Social Exclusion
5.  Conclusions




Project UDENFOR (Project OUTSIDE) combines outreach work with research in homelessness and exclusion Project UDENFOR is a NGO established in 1997 and registered as a fund in 1999 The project is financed by both private and public funds.
The purpose of Projekt UDENFOR is to improve conditions for society's outcasts. People who are not reached in other ways and who live in the absolute margins of society.

The electronic library of projekt UDENFOR
In margin you can, among other things, find: newsletters, reports, articles, debates and annual reports on marginalisation, social exclusion, homelessness, outreach work, addiction and much, much more.


A new English mental health law website that may be of interest:
The site includes many free articles and training materials on general subjects such as the principles of mental health legislation, the principles of risk management, personality disorder and the law, mental health policy and ethics, and health service inquiries. These were originally published in journals such as the Princeton University Law Review and the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry.

The free downloads are intended to be of help to academics, practitioners, students and trainers. My qualifications are that I am both a professor of mental health law and a practising lawyer. I am ranked 1 in the mental health section of our main legal directory of the legal profession and also have an entry in the American Who's Who. I was nominated for a Nobel Prize following the publication of my legal textbook on English mental health law.



smeseu@smes-europa.org    Backtop