


concerning the interventions & pathways for Homeless in extreme poverty situation with mental health problems

Athens 14 - 15 - 16  APRIL 2016



Dear  Colleague,


                              SMES-Europa have the pleasure to invites you and your Organisation to participate in the  2nd Exchanges & Workshop  initiatives of project ‘Dignity and Well-being’, which is going to take place in Athens the  14 -15 - 16  April 2016.


The purpose of this project is to bring attention to the voice expressed or not of these persons, living in chronically way without own habitation, in the street or in emergency shelters, in condition of absolute social exclusion. General object of this D-&-WB project is: to deepen listen and understand their voice & needs; to identify some innovative and effective practices; to recommend some priorities in social & health policy.
The project will develops through three programs of study/exchange:

*   1st in Warsaw:              

*   2nd in Athens :         

*   3rd  in Copenhagen   

*   XIV European SMES conference in  Lisbon  March  20167

      2nd    Exchange program   Athens 14 - 15 - 16  April  2016

This 2nd workshops will be based on case studies of individual persons describing their health and mental health status, social situation and interventions made on their behalf by street workers in order to  facilitate - together and in integrate and sustainable way the access to :

1)  Health/mental health services;  2)  Emergency and social assistance services; 3) Housing services; 4) Participative inclusion services.

A.  STUDY / VISITS : the
Thursday 14 April will dedicated to study/visits of the innovative and more efficient services  working with and  for the homeless and mentally ill people in  Athens.  The analysis of the life situations of this people, will be introduced by the local responsible of each of these
fourth sectors:

a)  Mental health institutions & community based services;  b)  Emergency shelters;   c)  Monitored housing;   d)  Participative integration.


B.  WORKSHOP : the Friday 15 April will dedicated to presentation INTER-VISION PROGRAM concerning the interventions and the pathways for Homeless in extreme poverty situation with mental health problems  study/visits of the innovative and more efficient services  working with and  for the homeless and mentally ill people in Athens.  The analysis of the life situations of this people, will be introduced by the local responsible of each of these fourth sectors:

a)  Mental health institutions & community based services; 

b)  Emergency shelters;  

c)  Monitored housing;  

d)  Participative integration.

The results of these workshops will be at the basis of the 14th European seminar, where the participants will prepare the priorities and recommendations to present both to local policy makers and administrators, as to Europeans, through a hearing in the European Parliament.

C.  FOCUS GROUP : on the morning of  Saturday 16  April  will  be an  additional and optionlal meeting about mental health and migrant intra and extra European countries, refugees and asylum seekers ...

Dignity and Well-being are the keywords, which were oriented - from le1992 - the social mission and initiatives of
SMES Europa.
We co
unt - with your active collaboration - to continue to perform at best this initiative in favour of people living in situations of extreme social and health conditions. Thank you pour your collaboration.  For further information, please contact us.



Luigi Leonori

To overcome poverty is not a gesture of charity.
It is about an act of justice.
It is the protection of a fundamental human right,
the right to dignity and a decent life.    
(Nelson Mandela)

The problem, despite national differences, is European and, for this reason must be placed at the centre of an urgent call for awareness and deeper consideration particularly with respect to the development of a new political program at a European level.

Vaincre la pauvreté ce n'est pas une question de charité.
Il s'agit d'un acte de justice.
C'est la protection d'un droit humain fondamental,
le droit à la dignité et à une vie décente.
(Nelson Mandela)

Le problème, malgré les différences nationales, est européens et, pour cette raison, doit être placé au centre d'un appel urgent pour la sensibilisation et pour une plus attente considération particulièrement en ce qui concerne le développement des nouveaux programmes politiques au niveau européen.