IT Impact Covid Emergency Servbices


The impact of the Pandemic

on services for homeless people -  Italy

NGOs Emergency Covid    BRUSSELS Emergency Covid   ITALY homeless & Emergency Services

original  I T    

 translation  E N


What has changed for the more than 55,000 homeless people in the aftermath of the Lockdown  and the responsible appeal  #iorestoacasa??

This is explained by a group of social researchers who, thanks to the collaboration of the dim network. PSD  and  Caritas,interviewed over thirty referents of services aimed at homeless people in different Italian cities (Rome, Turin, Naples, Trento, Ancona, Ragusa, Cagliari).

TheInstant Report  "The impact of the pandemic on services for the homeless" edited  by  Iref, fio. PSD  in collaboration with Caritas Italiana,brings to light the effects that the pandemic isproducing on the serious adult marginality, the changes that many organizations have had to adopt to secure the most fragile people and welcome new requests, the operating methods that in some cases have disrupted the service itself. A story in progress that traces the difficult months of lockdown: from the "H24 dormitories" between isolations and laboratories, to the "add a place at the table", from the "territorial resilience" demonstrated by many services, to the "very high psychological pressure experienced by the operators"; from the fear and despondency of many homeless people "left out", to the possibility of starting new life paths for people who have taken out skills and resources.

"The research highlights how the response capacities of the institutions have been put to the test, the risk is that the second wave and winter will put the service system in crisis" says  Paola Vacchina,  President of  Iref.

"It  is necessary to include services to the serious marginality in strategic territorial planning, to promote capableservices that aim immediately to activate people in the very management of spaces, relationships andpaths,  says  Cristina Avonto, president. PSD,  consolidate public-private networks and partnerships where the local authority is responsible for its homeless citizens".”.


Rome 27 November 2020

    Italian Original :