Dignity  and  Health  5-Projects                      

                     EXCHANGES  PROGRAM  2003 - 2005          


European Commission 2003 Phare
               SPP -  Small Projects Programme                         

Budget line B7-030
Applicant:    SMES-EUROPA
Dossier No  082-870-202
During :         2004-2005


1.1          Title: D&H-5P/II:   Dignity and Health – Right and Access: using the EU objectives in exchange program for increase participation in citizenship and access to health and social services for the most disadvantaged and excluded people”  

1.2.    Location(s) of the activity(ies)  

FROM: 1. Bucharest (RO),  2. Prague (CZ), 3. Sophia (BG),  4. Warsaw (PL),  5. Riga (LV).
TO :      a)  Brussels (B),      b) Paris (F)        c)  Rome (I)        d)  Madrid(E)        e) Copenhagen (DK)  

NB.: this provisional order will be discussed with the partners and take final decision in the 1st preparatory meeting:  Brussels September

1.3          Amount requested from the European Commission

                Total eligible cost of the action        58.658  EUR        
                Amount requested from  the European Commission  46.926  EUR  = 80% of total eligible cost of the


 1.4          Summary 

a)   Aim:  To promote the RIGHT–DIGNITY and increase access to Health / Mental Health and Social

       Services for homeless and socially excluded people in  2 Candidate Countries : Romania and  

       Bulgaria & in 3 Acceding Services for homeless and socially excluded people in  2 Candidate

       Countries, Romania and Bulgaria & in 3 Acceding

b) Countries : Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia.

c)  Target - groups:  professionals, voluntary and volunteers working directly with homeless and

      socially excluded people.

d) Main activities : Realising an exchanging/visits program, consisting in 5 countries of EU: 



EXCHANGES  2004 - 2005

EXCHANGES  2003 - 2004

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